How does online ordering work?
When you pre-order online, you can pickup healthy meals and baked goods in our store at Wild Roast, The Joyful Food Co - Bham or have them delivered to your home or business!

While we try our hardest to keep every item in stock, sometimes we sell out of your favorites. Pre-ordering means that you will get exactly what you want, when you want.

If you didn't pre-order, don't worry! We have a store full of food to choose from, 7 days a week!
Store Hours: Monday-Friday 10-7:00   Saturday 10-4  Sunday 12-4

How does local delivery work?
We offer local delivery to much of the surrounding Birmingham area for only $5.
Delivery is offered Tuesdays and Thursdays. We’ll text you when we’re on our way with an estimated delivery time. If you can’t be there and your order contains perishable items, leave a cooler and ice packs for us and we’ll be happy to put your items inside of it.

How do I cancel my order?
If you notice a mistake on your order please contact us ASAP.  If your food has not been made we can cancel or edit your order.

Contact us at: Info@TheJoyfulFoodCo.com

Is Paleo the same as “Gluten-Free?”
No. All Paleo food is gluten-free, but all gluten-free food isn’t Paleo. Because Paleo is completely grain-free, no wheat is used. However, most gluten-free foods are made using a variety of grains and starches like rice, corn, and potato; . Therefore, they are not Paleo. Gluten free foods may  contain canola oil, sugar, dairy, and artificial colors — none of which are Paleo-compliant.

Is everything you sell gluten-free?
Yes! Our facility is completely gluten-free, and EVERYTHING we sell is gluten-free. EVERYTHING.

I have a lot of food allergies — can you help?
Our kitchen is completely free of wheat, soy, peanuts, lactose, and casein. We do use eggs and tree nuts. If you have other allergies or questions, give us a call at 205-538-7967, and let’s see how we can help!

Is your food dairy free?
The only dairy product we use is clarified butter, also called ghee. Ghee is free from lactose and casein and is usually very well-tolerated by people who cannot tolerate traditional dairy products. We list every ingredient on our food packaging, so if you need to avoid ghee, you can ask us or read the labels to be safe.

What is Paleo?
Paleo is a diet that consists primarily of meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils (avocado, coconut, olive). When following a Paleo diet, you would avoid grains (includes corn), legumes (includes peanuts and soy), dairy, and industrially processed oils, like canola.